
Spintires mudrunner mods for xbox one
Spintires mudrunner mods for xbox one

spintires mudrunner mods for xbox one

  • Press “T” or click “Allow other players to winch my truck”.
  • Press “C” button or click “Manage Party”. You have to activate the coop winch in the lobby settings: Just save it as *.ps1 file and run it on windows 10. You can also use PowerShell script to rename all *.dat files to *.cfg in the same directory: Dir *.dat | rename-item -newname You have to copy your saves from one location to another one and change all filename extensions to *.cfg. There are files with the *.cfg file extension. Saves from steam are located in \userdata\\1465360\remote.

    spintires mudrunner mods for xbox one

    There are files with the *.dat file extension. Saves from Epic Games Store are located in %UserProfile%\Documents\My Games\Snowrunner\base\storage\1638.


    For those who want to put the script in the task scheduler (for example to run it once per 30 minutes): echo off TaskList | FindStr /i "SnowRunner.exe" if ErrorLevel 1 (Exit 0) else (GOTO :CopyFiles) :CopyFiles for /f "delims=" %%a in ('wmic OS Get localdatetime ^| find "."') do set dt=%%a set YYYY=%dt:~0,4% set MM=%dt:~4,2% set DD=%dt:~6,2% set HH=%dt:~8,2% set Min=%dt:~10,2% set Sec=%dt:~12,2% set set UserDataPath=D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\1234567890 set SnowRunnerDataPath=%UserDataPath%\1465360 cd /d %SnowRunnerDataPath% mkdir %stamp% cd %stamp% xcopy "%SnowRunnerDataPath%\remote\*.cfg" /sįor manual run: echo off for /f "delims=" %%a in ('wmic OS Get localdatetime ^| find "."') do set dt=%%a set YYYY=%dt:~0,4% set MM=%dt:~4,2% set DD=%dt:~6,2% set HH=%dt:~8,2% set Min=%dt:~10,2% set Sec=%dt:~12,2% set set UserDataPath=D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\1234567890 set SnowRunnerDataPath=%UserDataPath%\1465360 cd /d %SnowRunnerDataPath% mkdir %stamp% cd %stamp% xcopy "%SnowRunnerDataPath%\remote\*.cfg" /s

    Spintires mudrunner mods for xbox one